Good Morning Everyone!
Doing something a little different this week that I hope to be doing at least a couple times a year from now on. I worked with The Scrappy Kat to create a collab kit called Terrific Twos. she came up with the theme and it was perfect for me this month as my daughter is turning 2 in just under 2 weeks. I came up with the palette to remind me of bright children's toys & clothes, without being TOO bright. I hope you like it! We are offering the kit FREE each part for 1 day only. I will post the links at midnight and remove them at midnight the next night so don’t forget to come back!
Monday you got the papers, Tuesday the elements, Wednesday the alphas and Thursday (today) our CTs have QPs for you! Don’t forget to go to Kat’s blog for her teams freebies too!
Kat’s Part:
My Part:
Here’s my team’s layouts, every one of them has a freebie for you today so click their layouts to check them out!
Cami Jo: